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Har har… a tale of two emails. Take one April 3 2000 post to ILUG:

The concept of revocable email addresses has been around for ages – once you’re set up to do subaddressing (such as [email protected]), it’s dead easy to do all by yourself, with the added bonus that you’re not dependant on some third party service provider.

Yep, sure I do it myself using virtusertable: [email protected] gets deleted once it gets spammed.

Forget all about it for 2 years…

… and eventually follow up with a 20 July 2002 spam to me:

Long Beach Film Festival – Now Accepting Films & Screenplays

The Long Beach Film Festival is now accepting screenplays and films (short, documentary & feature) in all formats. The winners’ work will be reviewed by a committee of established production companies. This is a great way to get exposure and even discovered in Hollywood.

What address was it sent to? Yes, that’s right — jm-latestdodgydotcomstock at Oh the irony.