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‘Dead spammer’ story: yep, spam

Remember the ‘Russian ‘make penis fast’ spammer murdered’ fake blog posting I wrote about last month? I was right — the site has now become a spammer link farm.

There’s now a new category in the right-hand sidebar of the fake blog post. See if you can spot the odd one out:

  • Programming
  • Personal
  • Web 2.0
  • Python
  • Penis exercises
  • Uncategorized

Sure enough, “Penis exercises” is the only valid outlink from the page (all the others lead to the ‘sorry, closed due to too much traffic’ page). It leads to a page discussing the usual ‘make penis fast’ topics, with a batch more links to more pages along the same lines. If you follow the links a little, the whole thing appears to be hawking some device called “Size Genetics”. Totally spammy.