LightCloud – Distributed and persistent key-value store : built on Tokyo Tyrant, performance comparable to memcached, scale by adding nodes, supports hot backup/restore, used in production by, and interesting
(tags: plurk python scaling storage databases scalability memcached distributed dht db persistent tokyotyrant lightcloud tokyocabinet via:joshua)10 Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) : actually a very good list. some interesting papers here I hadn’t heard of, particularly _ An Experimental Evaluation of The Assumption of Independence in Multi-Version Programming_ (1986)
(tags: coding history programming papers toread education academia cs)/~colmmacc/ – Optimising strlen() : good post on various approaches to code optimization of a particularly common C idiom — strlen(). I’d never seen the glibc “add to unsigned long to detect zeroes” trick before — very nifty!
(tags: zero c optimisation coding c++ strlen strings)