Unicode 6.0 released : including PILE OF POO, at codepoint 1F4A9:
(tags: pile-of-poo poo unicode funny emoji characters)Strike One? « A Clatter of the Law : Rossa McMahon rounds up some highlights from Mr. Justice Charleton’s judgement on the UPC case; good post
(tags: law ireland upc irma emi ip)Senator Paschal Mooney parrots the EMI “Aslan filesharing” story : ‘There is a perception that the big five record companies, all international companies, have been ripping off the consumer for many years. I do not want to be seen as an apologist for the music industry [jm: oh really], but at the lower level I can give a specific example to highlight the impact of illegal downloading on Aslan, an Irish band. [… blah blah…] Why must we wait for a High Court judgment to be made before we introduce relevant legislation? This is not the first time it has happened in the copyright sector.’ — wait, the what? It’s a SECTOR now?!! wtf (via Charles Julienne)
(tags: copyright-sector copyfight omgwtf paschal-mooney seanad ireland aslan emi irma filesharing)