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Month: September 2011

Links for 2011-09-29

Links for 2011-09-25

Links for 2011-09-20

Links for 2011-09-19

Links for 2011-09-13

Links for 2011-09-12

Links for 2011-09-10

  • Dutch grepping Facebook for welfare fraud : ‘The [Dutch] councils are working with a specialist Amsterdam research firm, using the type of computer software previously deployed only in counterterrorism, monitoring [LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter] traffic for keywords and cross-referencing any suspicious information with digital lists of social welfare recipients. Among the giveaway terms, apparently, are “holiday” and “new car”. If the automated software finds a match between one of these terms and a person claiming social welfare payments, the information is passed on to investigators to gather real-life evidence.’ With a 30% false positive rate, apparently — let’s hope those investigations aren’t too intrusive!
    (tags: grep dutch holland via:tjmcintyre privacy facebook twitter linkedin welfare dole fraud false-positives searching)

Links for 2011-09-06

  • The Monkeysphere Project : OpenPGP’s web of trust extending further. ‘Everyone who has used a web browser has been interrupted by the “Are you sure you want to connect?” warning message, which occurs when the browser finds the site’s certificate unacceptable. But web browser vendors (e.g. Microsoft or Mozilla) should not be responsible for determining whom (or what) the user trusts to certify the authenticity of a website, or the identity of another user online. The user herself should have the final say, and designation of trust should be done on the basis of human interaction. The Monkeysphere project aims to make that possibility a reality.’
    (tags: via:filippo gpg pki security software ssh ssl web)

  • Convergence : ‘Convergence is a secure replacement for the Certificate Authority System. Rather than employing a traditionally hard-coded list of immutable CAs, Convergence allows you to configure a dynamic set of Notaries which use network perspective to validate your communication. Convergence allows you to choose who you want to trust, rather than having someone else’s decision forced on you. You can revise your trust decisions at any time, so that you’re not locked in to trusting anyone for longer than you want.’
    (tags: ssl tls trust security https web via:filippo firefox plugins pki)

Links for 2011-09-04

  • Dave Neary on The Cost of Going it Alone : ‘I’m going to talk about the costs associated with modifying and maintaining free software “out of tree” – that is, when you don’t work with the developers of the software to have your changes integrated. But I’m also going to talk about the costs of working with upstream projects. It can be easy for us to forget that working upstream takes time and money – and we ignore that to our peril. It’s in our interests as free software developers to make it as cost-effective as possible for people to work with us. Hopefully, if you’re a commercial developer, you’ll come away from this article with a better idea of when it’s worthwhile to work upstream, and when it isn’t. And if you’re a community developer, perhaps this will give you some ideas about how to make it easier for people to work with you.’
    (tags: dave-neary gnome open-source maintainers upstream forking)