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Links for 2013-03-28

  • One of CloudFlare’s upstream providers on the “death of the internet” scare-mongering

    Having a bad day on the Internet is nothing new. These are the types of events we deal with on a regular basis, and most large network operators are very good at responding quickly to deal with situations like this. In our case, we worked with Cloudflare to quickly identify the attack profile, rolled out global filters on our network to limit the attack traffic without adversely impacting legitimate users, and worked with our other partner networks (like NTT) to do the same. If the attacks had stopped here, nobody in the “mainstream media” would have noticed, and it would have been just another fun day for a few geeks on the Internet. The next part is where things got interesting, and is the part that nobody outside of extremely technical circles has actually bothered to try and understand yet. After attacking Cloudflare and their upstream Internet providers directly stopped having the desired effect, the attackers turned to any other interconnection point they could find, and stumbled upon Internet Exchange Points like LINX (in London), AMS-IX (in Amsterdam), and DEC-IX (in Frankfurt), three of the largest IXPs in the world. An IXP is an “interconnection fabric”, or essentially just a large switched LAN, which acts as a common meeting point for different networks to connect and exchange traffic with each other. One downside to the way this architecture works is that there is a single big IP block used at each of these IXPs, where every network who interconnects is given 1 IP address, and this IP block CAN be globally routable. When the attackers stumbled upon this, probably by accident, it resulted in a lot of bogus traffic being injected into the IXP fabrics in an unusual way, until the IXP operators were able to work with everyone to make certain the IXP IP blocks weren’t being globally re-advertised. Note that the vast majority of global Internet traffic does NOT travel over IXPs, but rather goes via direct private interconnections between specific networks. The IXP traffic represents more of the “long tail” of Internet traffic exchange, a larger number of smaller networks, which collectively still adds up to be a pretty big chunk of traffic. So, what you actually saw in this attack was a larger number of smaller networks being affected by something which was an completely unrelated and unintended side-effect of the actual attacks, and thus *poof* you have the recipe for a lot of people talking about it. :) Hopefully that clears up a bit of the situation.

    (tags: bandwidth internet gizmodo traffic cloudflare ddos hacking)