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Links for 2013-08-12

  • Randomly Failed! The State of Randomness in Current Java Implementations

    This would appear to be the paper which sparked off the drama around BitCoin thefts from wallets generated on Android devices:

    The SecureRandom PRNG is the primary source of randomness for Java and is used e.g., by cryptographic operations. This underlines its importance regarding security. Some of fallback solutions of the investigated implementations [are] revealed to be weak and predictable or capable of being in?uenced. Very alarming are the defects found in Apache Harmony, since it is partly used by Android.
    More on the BitCoin drama: ,

    (tags: android java prng random security bugs apache-harmony apache crypto bitcoin papers)

  • The Getty Museum offers a huge chunk of their collection for free use

    We’ve launched the Open Content Program to share, freely and without restriction, as many of the Getty’s digital resources as possible. The initial focus of the Open Content Program is to make available all images of public domain artworks in the Getty’s collections. Today we’ve taken a first step toward this goal by making roughly 4,600 high-resolution images of the Museum’s collection free to use, modify, and publish for any purpose. Why open content? Why now? The Getty was founded on the conviction that understanding art makes the world a better place, and sharing our digital resources is the natural extension of that belief. This move is also an educational imperative. Artists, students, teachers, writers, and countless others rely on artwork images to learn, tell stories, exchange ideas, and feed their own creativity. In its discussion of open content, the most recent Horizon Report, Museum Edition stated that “it is now the mark—and social responsibility—of world-class institutions to develop and share free cultural and educational resources.” I agree wholeheartedly.

    (tags: getty art via:tupp_ed open-content free images pictures paintings museums)

  • The NSA Is Commandeering the Internet – Bruce Schneier

    You, an executive in one of those companies, can fight. You’ll probably lose, but you need to take the stand. And you might win. It’s time we called the government’s actions what it really is: commandeering. Commandeering is a practice we’re used to in wartime, where commercial ships are taken for military use, or production lines are converted to military production. But now it’s happening in peacetime. Vast swaths of the Internet are being commandeered to support this surveillance state. If this is happening to your company, do what you can to isolate the actions. Do you have employees with security clearances who can’t tell you what they’re doing? Cut off all automatic lines of communication with them, and make sure that only specific, required, authorized acts are being taken on behalf of government. Only then can you look your customers and the public in the face and say that you don’t know what is going on — that your company has been commandeered.

    (tags: nsa america politics privacy data-protection data-retention law google microsoft security bruce-schneier)

  • We are the Operations team at Etsy. Ask us anything! : IAmA

    great AMA from Etsy ops staff (via Nelson)

    (tags: etsy reddit devops ops architecture ama via:nelson)

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