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Links for 2014-07-28

  • Check If A Hotel’s WiFi Sucks Before It’s Too Late and .

    (tags: wifi hotels travel reviews techcrunch internet)

  • Collection Pipeline

    a nice summarisation of the state of pipe/stream-oriented collection operations in various languages, from Martin Fowler

    (tags: martin-fowler patterns coding ruby clojure streams pipelines pipes unix lambda fp java languages)

  • REST Commander: Scalable Web Server Management and Monitoring

    We dynamically monitor and manage a large and rapidly growing number of web servers deployed on our infrastructure and systems. However, existing tools present major challenges when making REST/SOAP calls with server-specific requests to a large number of web servers, and then performing aggregated analysis on the responses. We therefore developed REST Commander, a parallel asynchronous HTTP client as a service to monitor and manage web servers. REST Commander on a single server can send requests to thousands of servers with response aggregation in a matter of seconds. And yes, it is open-sourced at Feature highlights: Click-to-run with zero installation; Generic HTTP request template supporting variable-based replacement for sending server-specific requests; Ability to send the same request to different servers, different requests to different servers, and different requests to the same server; Maximum concurrency control (throttling) to accommodate server capacity; Commander itself is also “as a service”: with its powerful REST API, you can define ad-hoc target servers, an HTTP request template, variable replacement, and a regular expression all in a single call. In addition, intuitive step-by-step wizards help you achieve the same functionality through a GUI.

    (tags: rest http clients load-testing ebay soap async testing monitoring)

  • South Downs litter picker has truck named after him – West Sussex County Times

    This is amazing. In , David Sedaris had written: ‘in recognition of all the rubbish I’ve collected since getting my Fitbit, my local council is naming a garbage truck after me’; naturally, I assumed he was joking, but it looks like he wasn’t:

    Horsham District Council has paid thanks to a volunteer who devotes a great deal of time and energy to walking many miles clearing litter from near where he lives as well as surrounding areas. David Sedaris litter picks in areas including Parham, Coldwaltham, Storrington and beyond. In recognition for all his fantastic work and dedication and as a token of Horsham District Council’s appreciation, the council has named one of their waste vehicles after him. The vehicle, bedecked with its bespoke ‘Pig Pen Sedaris’ sign was officially unveiled by the Lord-Lieutenant of West Sussex Mrs Susan Pyper at an outdoor ceremony on July 23.
    Best of all, the article utterly fails to mention who he is. Amazing. (via John Braine)

    (tags: via:john-braine funny david-sedaris litter uk horsham rubbish garbage cleaning volunteering walking)