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Links for 2015-08-11

  • Reddit comments from a nuclear-power expert

    Reddit user “Hiddencamper” is a senior nuclear reactor operator in the US, and regularly posts very knowledgeable comments about reactor operations, safety procedures, and other details. It’s fascinating (via Maciej)

    (tags: via:maciej nuclear-power nuclear atomic power energy safety procedures operations history chernobyl scram)

  • Amazon EC2 2015 Benchmark: Testing Speeds Between AWS EC2 and S3 Regions

    Here we are again, a year later, and still no bloody percentiles! Just amateurish averaging. This is not how you measure anything, ffs. Still, better than nothing I suppose

    (tags: fail latency measurement aws ec2 percentiles s3)

  • background doc on the Jeep hack

    “Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle”, by Dr. Charlie Miller ([email protected]) and Chris Valasek ([email protected]). QNX, unauthenticated D-Bus, etc.

    ‘Since a vehicle can scan for other vulnerable vehicles and the exploit doesn’t require any user interaction, it would be possible to write a worm. This worm would scan for vulnerable vehicles, exploit them with their payload which would scan for other vulnerable vehicles, etc. This is really interesting and scary. Please don’t do this. Please.’

    (tags: jeep hacks exploits d-bus qnx cars safety risks)

  • and access to UK health records: patient privacy and public trust

    ‘In 2013, the United Kingdom launched, an NHS England initiative to combine patient records, stored in the machines of general practitioners (GPs), with information from social services and hospitals to make one centralized data archive. One aim of the initiative is to gain a picture of the care being delivered between different parts of the healthcare system and thus identify what is working in health care delivery, and what areas need greater attention and resources. This case study analyzes the complications around the launch of It explains the historical context of the program and the controversies that emerged in the course of the rollout. It explores problems in management and communications around the centralization effort, competing views on the safety of “anonymous” and “pseudonymous” health data, and the conflicting legal duties imposed on GPs with the introduction of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act. This paper also explores the power struggles in the battle over and outlines the tensions among various stakeholders, including patients, GPs, the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), the government, privacy experts and data purchasers. The predominant public policy question that emerges from this review centers on how best to utilize technological advances and simultaneously strike a balance between the many competing interests around health and personal privacy.’

    (tags: privacy healthcare uk nhs trust anonymity anonymization gps medicine)