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Links for 2015-11-07

  • Ignoring ESR won’t do anymore

    I’m tired of this shit. Full stop tired. It’s 2015 and these turds who grope their way around conferences and the like can make allegations like this, get a hand wave and an, “Oh, that’s just crazy Raymond!” Fuck that. Fuck it from here to hell and back. Here’s a man who really hasn’t done anything all that special, is a totally crazy gun-toting misogynist of the highest order and, yet, he remains mostly unchallenged after the tempest dies down, time after time. […] I’m sure ESR will still be haunting conferences when your daughters reach their professional years unless you get serious about outing the assholes like him and making the community a lot less toxic than it is now.?
    Amen to that.

    (tags: esr toxic harassment conferences sexism misogyny culture)

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