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Links for 2016-08-18

  • NPR Website To Get Rid Of Comments

    Sadly, this makes sense and I’d have to agree.

    Mike Durio, of Phoenix, seemed to sum it up in an email to my office back in April. “Have you considered doing away with the comments sections, or tighter moderation?” he wrote. “The comments have devolved into the Punch-and-Judy-Fest of moronic, un-illuminating observations and petty insults I’ve seen on other pretty much every other Internet site that allows comments.” He added, “This is not in keeping with NPR’s take-a-step-back, take-a-deep-breath reporting,” and noted, “Now, thread hijacking and personal insults are becoming the stock in trade. Frequent posters use the forums to duke it out with one another.” A user named Mary, from Raleigh, N.C., wrote to implore: “Remove the comments section from your articles. The rude, hateful, racist, judgmental comments far outweigh those who may want to engage in some intelligent sideline conversation about the actual subject of the article. I am appalled at the amount of ‘free hate’ that is found on a website that represents honest and unbiased reporting such as NPR. What are you really gaining from all of these rabid comments other than proof that a sad slice of humanity that preys on the weak while spreading their hate?”

    (tags: abuse comments npr racism web discussion)

  • Meeting the Free Speech Crusaders Who Want to End Political Correctness | VICE | United Kingdom

    The ‘Young British Heritage Society’, aka gam*rgate as a college society

    (tags: gamergate funny sad trolls ybhs reactionaries uk politics)

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