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Links for 2017-05-11

  • Uuni

    “The world’s best portable wood-fired oven”. Fergal has one and loves it. $299

    (tags: uuni pizza oven outdoor food cooking gadgets)

  • Repair and Leasing Scheme – Peter Mc Verry Trust

    Minister Simon Coveney and the Department of Housing have provided funding of €32 million in 2017 for the Repair and Leasing Programme and set a target of 800 units to be delivered this year (2017). A total of €140 million has been allocated to the repair and leasing scheme over the lifetime of Rebuilding Ireland. The Repair and Leasing Scheme at a Glance: Targets Properties Empty or Derelict for 1 Year or more Grants to Property owners of up to €40,000 to get properties back into use Lease Terms of 10, 15 or 20 Years State Guaranteed Rental Income for Duration of Lease Property and Tenants Managed by Approved Housing Bodies [the Peter McVerry Trust in D1, D3, D7 and D9]

    (tags: peter-mcverry homelessness dublin housing repair derelict-buildings homes ireland property)

  • iKydz

    ‘Total Parent Control’ for kids internet access at home. Dublin-based product, dedicated wifi AP with lots of child-oriented filtering capabilities

    (tags: filtering security ikydz kids children internet wifi ap hardware blocking)

  • _Optimal Probabilistic Cache Stampede Prevention_ [pdf]

    ‘When a frequently-accessed cache item expires, multiple requests to that item can trigger a cache miss and start regenerating that same item at the same time. This phenomenon, known as cache stampede, severely limits the performance of databases and web servers. A natural countermeasure to this issue is to let the processes that perform such requests to randomly ask for a regeneration before the expiration time of the item. In this paper we give optimal algorithms for performing such probabilistic early expirations. Our algorithms are theoretically optimal and have much better performances than other solutions used in real-world applications.’ (via Marc Brooker)

    (tags: via:marcbrooker caching caches algorithm probabilistic expiration vldb papers expiry cache-miss stampedes)