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Links for 2019-07-19

  • Bulgarian tax authority hacked, majority of population’s tax details leaked

    Well this is pretty much the worst-case scenario for a tax authority:

    A 20-year-old man was arrested in Sofia, Bulgaria, on Tuesday afternoon and charged with an unprecedented hack of the country’s tax authority, ending with the theft of sensitive personal records from nearly every adult in Bulgaria, according to local reports. The suspect, whose name is Kristiyan Boykov, according to Bulgarian media, faces up to eight years in prison. Police say others may have been involved. The country’s officials have spent the week revealing and apologizing for the pillaging of Bulgaria’s National Revenue Agency (NRA) in June, Reuters reported. Personal and financial data for millions of taxpayers was leaked by email to local journalists. The data leak includes names, addresses, income and earnings information, and personal identification numbers, totaling 21 gigabytes and extending back over a decade.

    (tags: bulgaria security tax hacks leaks)

  • Margaret Hamilton interviewed by The Guardian

    good interview with the software engineering pioneer

    (tags: margaret-hamilton tech software the-guardian interviews history apollo)