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Links for 2020-02-20

  • Stop Using Encrypted Email

    This is very persuasive and I’d have to agree.

    Email is unsafe and cannot be made safe. The tools we have today to encrypt email are badly flawed. Even if those flaws were fixed, email would remain unsafe. Its problems cannot plausibly be mitigated.
    Key point: this isn’t (just) about PGP or SMTP, it’s email as a whole system:
    The least interesting problems with encrypted email have to do with PGP. […] But that’s a whole other argument. Even after we replace PGP, encrypted email will remain unsafe. Here’s why: If messages can be sent in plaintext, they will be sent in plaintext. Metadata is as important as content, and email leaks it. Every archived message will eventually leak. Every long term secret will eventually leak.

    (tags: cryptography security email pgp smtp flaws metadata crypto)

  • How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart | World news | The Guardian

    This sounds pretty terrifying.

    For seven decades, India has been held together by its constitution, which promises equality to all. But Narendra Modi’s BJP is remaking the nation into one where some people count as more Indian than others.

    (tags: bjp abvp rss india fascism hindutva politics asia)

  • How to 3D Print Your Own Lithophane

    Lithophanes are essentially embossed photos generated by a 3D printer. The print results don’t show much at first, but shine some light through one and you’ll be amazed by the details.

    (tags: lithophanes 3d-printing 3d objects photos cool)

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