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Links for 2020-07-27

  • AWS User Data is Being Stored, Used Outside User’s Chosen Regions

    Wow, this is staggeringly inappropriate usage. Bad move, Amazon!

    [AWS] is using customers’ “AI content” for its own product development purposes. It also reserves the right in its small print to store this material outside the geographic regions that AWS customers have explicitly selected. It may also share this with AWS “affiliates” it says, without naming them.

    (tags: via:corey-quinn aws amazon machine-learning corpora training data data-privacy data-protection)

  • The Scourge of Hygiene Theater – The Atlantic

    On the pointless “deep clean”:

    To some American companies and Florida men, COVID-19 is apparently a war that will be won through antimicrobial blasting, to ensure that pathogens are banished from every square inch of America’s surface area. But what if this is all just a huge waste of time? In May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidelines to clarify that while COVID-19 spreads easily among speakers and sneezers in close encounters, touching a surface “isn’t thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” Other scientists have reached a more forceful conclusion. “Surface transmission of COVID-19 is not justified at all by the science,” Emanuel Goldman, a microbiology professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, told me. He also emphasized the primacy of airborne person-to-person transmission.

    (tags: covid-19 air aerosols transmission cleaning surfaces fomites hygiene)