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More on the Trend Micro patent

Dutch free knowledge and culture advocacy group has called for a worldwide boycott of Trend Micro products. Their chairman, Wiebe van der Worp, claims Trend Micro’s aggressive use of litigation is “well beyond the borders of decency”.

Also, this feature has a great quote from Jim Zemlin, the executive director of the Linux Foundation:

“A company that files a patent claim against code coming from a widely adopted open source project vastly underestimates the self-inflicted damage to its customer and community relationships. In today’s world, all of our customers in the software industry are enjoying the benefits of a wide variety of open source projects that provide stability and vendor-neutral solutions to the most basic of their computing needs. I talk to those customers every day. They consider these claims short-sighted and those that assert them to be fearful of their ability to compete in today’s economy.”

Well said.