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Links for 2023-02-13

  • A New Drug Switched Off My Appetite. What’s Left? | WIRED

    How long is it before there’s an injection for your appetites, your vices? Maybe they’re not as visible as mine. Would you self-administer a weekly anti-avarice shot? Can Big Pharma cure your sloth, lust, wrath, envy, pride? Is this how humanity fixes climate change—by injecting harmony, instead of hoping for it at Davos?

    (tags: mounjaro food eating weight calories future)

  • Silicon Valley tech companies are the real paperclip maximizers

    Another good Ted Chiang article —

    Elon Musk spoke to the National Governors Association and told them that “AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.” […] This scenario sounds absurd to most people, yet there are a surprising number of technologists who think it illustrates a real danger. Why? Perhaps it’s because they’re already accustomed to entities that operate this way: Silicon Valley tech companies. Consider: Who pursues their goals with monomaniacal focus, oblivious to the possibility of negative consequences? Who adopts a scorched-earth approach to increasing market share? This hypothetical strawberry-picking AI does what every tech startup wishes it could do — grows at an exponential rate and destroys its competitors until it’s achieved an absolute monopoly. The idea of superintelligence is such a poorly defined notion that one could envision it taking almost any form with equal justification: a benevolent genie that solves all the world’s problems, or a mathematician that spends all its time proving theorems so abstract that humans can’t even understand them. But when Silicon Valley tries to imagine superintelligence, what it comes up with is no-holds-barred capitalism.

    (tags: superintelligence ted-chiang silicon-valley capitalism ai future civilization paperclip-maximisers)