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Month: September 2006

Back in one piece

Well, I’m back in Dublin in one piece, after a great honeymoon in Corsica. Lots of stuff to catch up on, so if you’re waiting on a response, sorry, it might take a little longer…

Hitched! Pt. 2

Well, the second half of the wedding — the fun part, with dinner, dancing, friends, and family — went off without a hitch. Our hippy-crap-laden humanist ceremony, celebrated with the aid of our friend Gerry, was a great success; the pianist and various DJs provided fantastic aural accompaniment; and the venue, Markree Castle in County Sligo, was fantastic, taking care of the entire party in every way we hadn’t foreseen and putting up with us far into the early hours of the next day.

That was the most fun I’ve had in yonks, and thanks to everyone who came. (And those who didn’t, due to the whims of US visa conditions — you were much missed.)

Photos will follow once we’re back from the honeymoon, which starts tomorrow morning. later ;)

BarCamp Ireland

wow, BarCamp Ireland is really shaping up!

Unfortunately, it’s very unlikely that I’ll be able to make it, due to all the wedding/honeymoon activity around that time (and it being down in Cork, which is a bit of a nontrivial journey at the moment). Pity, it looks like it’ll be great — and could probably do with some more talks about open source, to go with all the web2.0/startup content ;)

SpicyLinks and Network Summarization

Ross Mayfield:

Every time I see Gabe Rivera of TechMeme, I ask for the same thing — MeMeme. Give me TechMeme where the core index is based on who I read, about 150 people at any given time, to show me what my friends are interested in.

Funnily eough, that is exactly why I wrote SpicyLinks!

It works pretty well — in fact, nowadays I don’t really bother reading slashdot, Digg, Reddit, et al, particularly frequently, because I know that all the really interesting stuff will be at the top of my newsreader in the SpicyLinks feed.

Anyway, I’ve been calling SpicyLinks a ‘summarizing aggregator’, but the discussion that arose from Ross’ posting inspired me. A little bit of hacking has come up with an interesting twist: take a social network, a CGI script called deliciousnetwork2opml.cgi, and 15 minutes hacking on SpicyLinks to support inclusion of OPML via a remote URI, and hey presto — it’s now a social-network summarising aggregator. ;)